Archive - 13th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management 2018

Call for Papers
Welcome to the IFIP Summers school
The 13th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – Fairness, accountability and transparency in the age of big data will take place on 20-24 August 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The summer school is hosted by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
Holistic approach and interdisciplinarity
The IFIP Summer Schools take a holistic approach to society and technology and support interdisciplinary exchange through keynote and plenary lectures, tutorials, workshops, and research paper presentations. In particular, participants’ contributions that combine technical, legal, regulatory, socio-economic, social or societal, political, ethical, anthropological, philosophical, or psychological perspectives are welcome. The interdisciplinary character of the work is fundamental to the School.
Workshops and scientific papers
The research paper presentations and the workshops have a particular focus on involving students, and on encouraging the publication of high-quality, thorough research papers by students/young researchers.
Best paper award and Springer
To this end, the School has a three-phase review process for submitted papers. In the first phase submitted papers are reviewed and selected for presentation at the School. After the School, these papers are revised to benefit from the discussion that occurred at the School, and are then reviewed again for inclusion in the School’s proceedings which will be published by Springer. Every year an award is given for the Best Student Paper. Submissions by senior researchers and participants in European, national, or regional/community research projects are also very welcome, and are generally published in a separate section of the book volume.
Extended abstracts (2-4 pages) should be submitted via the Easychair System.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Anonymity, pseudonymity, identity, (informed) consent, digital rights, net neutrality, trust, reputation
Technologies and applications
- Privacy aspects of big data analytics, machine learning, biometrics, cloud computing, social networks, blockchain based applications, social computing, crowdsourcing and social movements
- Health informatics (mHealth, eHealth), social care, community care, integrated care, social robotics, opportunities as well as threats to individual and community privacy, personal autonomy and dignity
- Profiling and tracking technologies, online anonymity, surveillance, video surveillance
- Sensor networks, Internet of Things, mobile devices
- Privacy and identity management (services, technologies, infrastructures, usability aspects, legal and socio-economic aspects), eIDs
- Privacy and security in digital citizen communications, e-mail and instant messaging
- Privacy protection and in particular confidentiality of communications by both traditional players/incumbents and OTTs
- Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) and transparency-enhancing technologies (TETs)
- Digital participation, participatory design, ethically-informed design, co-creation and co-collaboration, ecosystems, social actors’ engagement in design, stakeholder involvement
- Privacy-by-design, privacy-by-default, value-sensitive design, privacy impact assessment
- Usable privacy
Enforcement and regulation
- Social accountability
- Data protection principles and rights (incl. the right to an explanation)
- Privacy standards and seals
- Security of network and information systems
- Cybercrime and cybersecurity
- Data breaches, data retention and law enforcement
- Regulatory regimes and instruments
- Effects of legislative or regulatory initiatives on privacy or identity
- Effects of technology on discrimination, social profiling, social exclusion, digital divides, communities, societies and cultures
Attitudes and capabilities
- Public attitudes to international, national, local or organisational security, privacy, and identity
- Corporate and organisational views on privacy and data protection measures
- Challenges facing large corporations, small- and medium-sized enterprises, micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs, and a wide range of categories of professions and occupations
- How people or organisations use new technologies and help to shape them.
- Digital literacy and data literacy
Times indicated are Central European Summer Time - CEST (Vienna, Austria)
Monday, August 20, 2018
Time | Track I Room number: E0.24TB |
Track II Room number: GG2_F3_M1 |
9:00-9:15 | Welcome and Opening | |
9:15-10:15 | Invited Talk I Session Chair: Simone Fischer-Hübner Sonja Buchegger (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency: The Other Side of the Coin |
10:15-10:45 | Coffee Break | |
10:45 -12:45 | Paper Session I Session Chair: Stephan Krenn Niko Tsakalakis, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon and Kieron O’Hara Data Protection by Design for cross-border electronic identification: Does the eIDAS Interoperability Framework need to be modernised? Dominik Koehle Implementing Attribute-Based Credentials over OAuth2.0 Georg Wagner Delegations in the LIGHTest Project Gianclaudio Malgieri How Transparency (GDPR) and Fairness (UCPD) can be a solution against neuromarketing |
Workshop I Samuel Fricker Workshop on Data-Driven Engineering |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch Break | |
13:45-15:45 | Paper Session II Session Chair: Christoph Striecks David Derler, Daniel Kales, Olamide Omolola and Sebastian Ramacher Revisiting User Privacy for Certificate Transparency Alexander Gabel and Ina Schiering Privacy Patterns for Pseudonymity Matthias Marx, Anne Kunstmann and Hannes Federrath Stream-oriented MIXing for low-latency anonymous communication networks Md Sakib Nizam Khan, Samuel Marchal, Sonja Buchegger and N. Asokan chownIoT: Enhancing IoT Privacy by Automated Handling of Ownership Change |
Workshop II Eva Schlehahn, Rigo Wenning and Harald Zwingelberg Interactive Workshop on GDPR transparency requirements and data privacy vocabularies |
15:45-16:15 | Coffee break | |
16:15-17:15 | Invited Talk II Session Chair: tba Alessandro Mantelero (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) Risk assessment in personal data processing: from DPIA to a broader perspective |
17:15-18:15 | Invited Talk III Session Chair: Christoph Striecks Morten Dahl (, France) Privacy Technologies for Machine Learning |
18:30-20:00 | Welcome reception |
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Time | Track I Room number: E0.24TB |
Track II Room number: GG2_F3_M1 |
9:00-10:00 | Invited Talk III Session Chair: Stephan Krenn Silvia Chiappa (DeepMind, United Kingdom) Challenges to Fairness in Machine Learning |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30-11:30 | Paper Session III Session Chair: Jo Pierson Iris van Ooijen and Bernadette Kamleitner May we Collect your Digital Self? How Framing User Data as part of the Digital Self affects Perceived Ownership and Data Disclosure Behaviors Tanja Heuer, Ina Schiering and Reinhard Gerndt Is it assisting or watching me? - User Attitudes towards Socal Robots in their Home Environment |
Workshop III Kovila P.L. Coopamootoo Towards Empowering the Human for Privacy Online |
11:30-12:30 | Tutorial I Vadym Fedyukovych Private verification from ancient caves to sigma protocols to SNARKs |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-14:30 | Invited Talk V Session Chair: Jo Pierson Rob Heyman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) An exploitation of transparency in data driven innovation, what is needed when by whom? |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee break | |
15:00-16:00 | Tutorial II Rob Heyman Exploiring transparency through a data flow mapping of existing innovations (group exercise) |
Tutorial III Stefan Rass, Andreas Schorn and Florian Skopik Trust and Distrust: On Sense and Nonsense in Big Data |
16:00-17:00 | Invited Talk VI Session Chair: tba Charles Raab (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Information Privacy, Accountability and Ethics |
19:00 | Social dinner at Kolariks Luftburg |
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Time | Track I Room number: E0.24TB |
Track II Room number: GG2_F3_M1 |
9:00-10:00 | Invited Talk VII Session Chair: Maria Leitner Joachim Meyer (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Quantitative Models of Behavior for Privacy and Security |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30-12:30 | Paper Session IV Session Chair: tba Room numbeR: E0.24TB Luiza Jarovsky Improving Consent in Information Privacy Through Autonomy Preserving Protective Measures (APPMs) Anette Siebenkäls and Dirk Stelzer Assessing Theories for Research on Personal Data Transparency Jane Henriksen-Bulmer, Shamal Faily and Sheridan Jeary DPIAs for Charities: a Charity Sector Specific DPIA Framework Yefim Shulman and Joachim Meyer Is Privacy Controllable? |
Workshop IV Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise and Giada Sciarretta Secure and Usable Mobile Identitty Management Solutions: a Methodology for their Design and Assessment |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:30 | Paper Session V Session Chair: Alessandro Mantelero Katerina Demetzou Contextualizing the Notion of (High) Risk in Data Protection Jacob-Oliver Carey and Kovila P.L. Coopamootoo An Investigation on the Impact of Integral Fear on Privacy Intention Mariam Kauser The ‘You’ in YouTube: Colonial entanglements in promotional habits Fortune Nwaiwu, Ladislav Burita and Felicita Chromjaková Assessing the Impact of Security and Trust as Factors that Influence the Adoption and Usage of Digital Technologies that Generate, Collect and Transmit User Data |
Workshop V Felix Bieker and Susan Gonscherowski Interactive Workshop on Data Breachees: Who you gonna Call when there’s Something Wrong in your Processing? |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:00-17:00 | Invited Talk VIII Session Chair: Daniel Slamanig Matteo Maffei (TU Wien, Austria) Security and Privacy Foundations of Blockchain Technologies |
17:00-18:00 | Tutorial IV Miha Stopar, Tilen Marc and Jolanda Modic Functional encryption - decrypting statistical functions over encrypted messages |
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Venue: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Schwarzenbergplatz 11, 1040 Vienna
Time | Track I |
9:00-10:00 | Invited Talk IX Session Chair: tba Mario Oetheimer (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Austria) Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU |
10:00-10:45 | Invited Talk X Session Chair: tba David Reichel (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Austria) Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Human Rights - discrimination and other potential challenges |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15-12:15 | Paper Session VI Session Chair: Simone Fischer-Hübner Laurens Naudts Towards Accountability: The Articulation and Formalization of Fairness in Machine Learning Sascha van Schendel Risk profiling by law enforcement agencies in the Big Data era: Why we need transparency and where we could find it |
12:15-13:00 | Panel Discussion Session Chair: Eleni Kosta Maja Brkan, Bernhard Haslhofer, Jo Pierson, Charles Raab, David Reichel Challenges for Fairness & Transparency in the Age of Big Data |
13:00 | Take-away lunch |
17:00 | Guided tour at the Spanish Riding School |
19:00 | Social dinner at the Zeiler am Hauerweg, a typical Viennese Heuriger |
Friday, August 24, 2018
Time | Track I Room number: E0.24TB |
Track II Room number: GG2_F3_M1 |
9:00-10:00 | Invited Talk XI Session Chair: tba Maja Brkan (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) Privacy Challenges of Artificial Intelligence |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30-11:30 | Paper Session VII Session Chair: Daniel Slamanig Ruben De Smet, Ann Dooms and Jo Pierson An extensible, peet-to-peet, private online social network Navoda Senavirathne and Vincenc Torra Membership inference in machine learning: An empirical study and some mitigation strategies |
Workshop VI Adrianna Schuler Scott, Michael Goldsmight and Harriet Teare An exploiration of attitudes to dynamic consent in research |
11:30-12:30 | Rump Session Session Chair: tba |
12:30-12:35 | Track-switch break | |
12:3513:35 | Invited Talk XII Session Chair: tba Katharine Sarikakis (University of Vienna, Austria) Legal consciousness: conceptualising the privacy paradox |
13:35-13:45 | Closing | |
13:45-14:15 | Lunch |
Programme Chairs
Eleni Kosta (Tilburg University)
Jo Pierson (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Daniel Slamanig (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
General Chairs
Stephan Krenn (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University, Sweden)
Steering Committee
Jan Camenisch (IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland)
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University, Sweden)
Marit Hansen (ULD, Germany)
Anja Lehmann (IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland)
Igor Nai Fovino (JRC, Italy)
Charles Raab (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Kai Rannenberg (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Diane Whitehouse (EHTEL, United Kingdom)
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