Archive - 3rd IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management 2007

Call for Papers
Privacy and Identity Management for Life
The Third International Summer School, organized by IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6 in cooperation with FIDIS Network of Excellence and HumanIT, was held at Karlstad University, Sweden, 6th - 10th August, 2007.
The increasing diversity of Information Communication Technologies and their equally diverse range of uses in personal, professional and official capacities raise challenging questions of identity in a variety of contexts. Each communication exchange contains an identifier which may, or may not, be intended by the parties involved. What constitutes an identity, how do new technologies affect identity, how do we manage identities in a globally networked information society?
The theme of this Summer School will be on Identity Management in relation to current and future technologies in a variety of contexts. IFIP takes a holistic approach to technology. FIDIS supports interdisciplinary exchange. So participants’ contributions combining technical, social, ethical or legal perspectives are welcome.
Topics of interest
- Identity management
- security
- profiling and customer relation management
- advanced identity documents
- ID related crime
- tracking technologies
- biometrics
- privacy
- anonymity and pseudonymity
- surveillance
- data retention
- knowledge management
- impact on social exclusion/digital divide/cultural issues.
School structure
All sessions started with an introduction by an invited speaker, followed by parallel workshops in the morning and afternoon. Workshops consisted of short presentations based on the contributions that have been submitted by the participants, followed by active discussion. The aim of the Summer School is to encourage a stimulating discourse between all participants – be they new researchers or experienced academics. Contributions were selected based on an extended abstract review by the Summer School Programme Committee. Accepted papers applied an interdisciplinary view or support it and are now published in the Summer School web site. Selected papers will be published in proceedings after the Summer School by the official IFIP publisher Springer Science and Business Media.
Credit Points
Course Certificates for 3 Swedish credit points / 3 ECTS for PhD students will be issued upon request by Karlstad University. If you are interested, send us an email with your full name and birth date. The certificate will be kindly sent by post to you.
Important Dates
The dates for inclusion in the post-proceedings are as follows:
- Workshop Papers submission: 1st October 2007
- Keynote Papers submission: 25th October 2007
- Reviews by the PC and Author notification of acceptance by the 10th November 2007
- Final paper: 1st December 2007
- Proceedings are planned to appear: Early 2008
Programme Committee Co-Chairs
Penny Duquenoy (Middlesex University/UK, IFIP WG 9.2 chair)
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University/Sweden)
Albin Zuccato (TeliaSonera/Sweden, IFIP WG 9.6/11.7 vice chair)
Programme Committee
Geoff Busby (British Computer Society/UK)
Brian O’Connell (Central Connecticut State University/USA)
Hans Hedbom (Karlstad University/Sweden)
Günter Karjoth (IBM Research Lab/Switzerland)
David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle, (Berne University of Applied Sciences/Switzerland)
Elisabeth de Leeuw (Ordina/Netherlands, IFIP WG 11.6 chair)
Ronald Leenes (Tilburg University, NL)
Marc Van Lieshout (TNO/Netherlands)
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga/Spain)
Kai Rannenberg (Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany, IFIP WG 9.6/11.7 chair)
Rocío Rueda (Central University Bogotá/Colombia)
Kevin Warwick (University of Reading/UK)
Gunnar Wenngren (AB Wenngrens/Sweden)
Diane Whitehouse (The Castlegate Consultancy/UK)
Louise Yngström (Stockholm University/KTH/Sweden)
Jozef Vyskoc (VaF/Slovakia)
Organising Committee Chair
Leonardo A. Martucci (Karlstad University/Sweden)
Organising Committee
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University/Sweden)
Hans Hedbom (Karlstad University/Sweden)
A number of eminent researchers, academics, industrialists and policy makers in the field The Future of Identity in the Information Society are already in the pipeline to address the summer school and give workshops. The focus of the school will be on dynamic, interactive learning among peers, and the exchange of the state-of-the-art information and views. Each day will consist of morning keynote talks session invited speakers and a series of multi-participant workshops and seminars in the afternoons and late Friday morning.
Detailed Program
Sunday, 5th August
19:00: Welcome Reception at Carlstad Conference Centre (Tage Erlandergatan 10)
Monday, 6th August
8:30: Bus Departure from the IBIS Hotel (Västra Torggatan 20) to Karlstad University, Registration (Foyer of Building 12)
Morning Keynote Session (Room 12B 150)
Session Chair: Penny Duquenoy
9:15: Welcome, Introduction
9:30 - 10:30: Keynote talk:
Charles Raab, University of Edinburgh/UK (Social and Political Dimensions of Identity)
10:30-11:00: Coffee
11:00-12:00: Keynote talk:
Slava Kavsan, Microsoft Windows Core Architect/USA (Claims-Based Identity Layer for the “New” Internet)
12:00-13:30: Lunch
13:30 – 17:00: Afternoon Workshops (coffee break at 15:00)
- Workshop 1 on “Privacy Exploits” (Room 12B 149). Session Chair: Morton Swimmer
- Dominik Birk, Sebastian Gajek, Felix Gröbert, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr University Bochum/Germany, A Forensic Framework for Tracing Phishers [paper]
- Tom Keenan, University of Calgary/Canada: On the Internet, Things Never Ever Go Away Completely [paper]
- Emin Islam Tatli, Mannheim University/Germany, Google Hacking Against Privacy [slides] [paper]
- Martin Boldt, Blekinge University of Technology/Sweden, Privacy-Invasive Software and preventive mechanisms
- Workshop 2 on “Social and Philosophical Aspects of Identity” (Room 12B 151). Session Chair: Ronald Leenes
- Bibi van den Berg, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Netherlands, Self, script and situation - Identity in a world of ICTs
- Noemi Manders-Huits and Jeroen van den Hoven, TU Delft/Netherlands, Managing Identities and Moral Identification [paper]
- Nathalie Grandjean, Benjamin Six, University of Namur/Belgium, Identity, trust and consent in surveillance society [slides] [paper]
- Rocío Rueda Ortiz, Leif Bloch Rasmussen, Central University Bogotá/Colombia and Copenhagen Business School/Denmark, Changing Identities in Information Societies [paper]
17:10: Bus Transfer to the IBIS Hotel
Tuesday, 7th August
8:30: Bus Transfer from the IBIS Hotel to the University
Morning Keynote Session (Room 12B 150)
Session Chair: Simone Fischer-Hübner
9:00-10:00: Keynote talk:
Morton Swimmer, IBM Research Zurich/Switzerland (Second Life - Security and Privacy at Risk)
10:00-10:30: Coffee
10:30-12:30: Keynote talks:
Ronald Leenes, Tilburg University/Netherlands (Second Life Social and Legal Challenges)
Malin Sveningsson Elm, Karlstad University/Sweden (Young People’s Gender- and Identity work in a Swedish Internet Community)
12:30-13:45: Lunch
13:45-16:30: Afternoon Workshops (coffee break at 15:15)
- Workshop 3 on “Ethical and Privacy Aspects of RFID” (Room 12B 149). Session Chair: Diane Whitehouse
- Marc van Lieshout, Linda Kool, TNO/Netherlands, Little sisters are watching you - A privacy assessment of RFID
- Markus Hansen, Sebastian Meissner, Independent Center for Privacy Protection, Kiel/Germany, Identification and Tracking of Individuals and Social Networks using the Electronic Product Code on RFID Tags [slides] [paper]
- Vikas Kumar, Asia Pacific Institute of Management/India, Implantable RFID Chips: Security versus Ethics [paper]
- Workshop 4 on “Privacy and Identity in Online Social Networks and Communities” (Room 12B 151). Session Chair: Charles Raab
- Stefan Weiss, Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany, Online Social Networks and the Need for New Privacy Research in Information and Communication Technology [paper]
- Kevin Anderson, Australia, The Absent Identity: Community isolation in an age of information overload
- Kai Kimppa, Pekka Muukkonen, University of Turku/Finland, Do Online Computer Games Affect the Player’s Identity? [paper]
16:40: Bus Transfer to the IBIS Hotel
18:00: Social event (Boat trip on Lake Vänern including Dinner, Departure: Inre Hamnen)
Wednesday, 8th August 2007
8:30: Bus Transfer from the IBIS Hotel to the University
Morning Keynote Session (Room 12B 150)
Session Chair: Louise Yngström
9:00-10:00: Keynote talk:
Lorenz Mueller, AXSionics/Switzerland (Authentication and Transaction Security in E-Business)
10:00-10:30: Coffee
10:30-11:30: Keynote talk:
Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection/Germany (Marrying Transparency Tools with User-Controlled Identity Management)
11:30- 13:00: Lunch
13:00-16:30: Afternoon Workshops (coffee break at 14:30)
- Workshop 5 on “Identity Management” (Room 12B149). Session Chair: Marit Hansen
- Leonardo A. Martucci, Albin Zuccato, Simone Fischer-Huebner, Karlstad University/Sweden, Identity Deployment and Management in Wireless Mesh Networks [paper]
- R. Joosten, S. Joosten, TNO/Netherlands, Rules for Identity and Access Control
- Xavier Huysmans, KU Leuven/Belgium, Privacy-friendly Identity Management for eGovernment [paper]
- Mike Bergmann, TU Dresden/Germany, Automatic Privacy Policy Clustering [paper]
- Workshop 6 on “Legal Identity and Identification Aspects” (Room 12B 151). Session Chair: Mark Gasson
- Tom Keenan, University of Calgary/Canada: When Disclosure Becomes Spam – The Apparent Failure of Well Intentioned Privacy Policies and Legislation and How to Fix Them
- Annemarie Sprokkereef, Leeds University/UK, Identity in the Information Society: Exploring Legal Approaches to the Use of Biometric Data [paper]
- Rasika Dayarathna, Louise Yngström, Stockholm University & KTH/Sweden, A Methodology for Bridging the Gap between Laywers and Technologists [paper]
16:40: Bus Transfer to the IBIS Hotel
Thursday, 9th August
8:30: Bus Transfer from the IBIS Hotel to the University
Morning Keynote Session (Room 12B 150)
Session Chair: Jacques Berleur
9:00-10:00: Keynote talk:
Mark Gasson, Reading University/UK (ICT implants)
10:00-10:30: Coffee
10:30-11:30: Keynote talk:
Diane Whitehouse, The Castlegate Consultancy/UK (Ethical Aspects of eHealth)
11:30-13:00: Lunch
13:00-16:30: Afternoon Workshops (coffee break at 14:30)
- Workshop 7 on “Privacy-Enhancing Technologies” (Room 12B 149). Session Chair: Marc van Lieshout
- Sebastian Pape, Nabil Benamar, Kassel University/Germany, Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy [paper]
- Giuseppe Bianchi, Csaba Kiraly, Renato Lo Cigno, Simone Teofili, Trento University/Italy, Traffic Flow Confidentiality in IPsec: Protocol and Implementation [slides] [paper]
- Christer Andersson, Reine Lundin, Karlstad University/Sweden, On the Fundamentals of Anonymity Metrics [paper]
- Reine Lundin, Stefan Lindskog, Anna Brunstrom, Karlstad University/Sweden, Analysis of Tunable Anonymity Services [paper]
- Workshop 8 on “Social and Cultural Aspects of Identity” (Room 12B 150). Session Chair: Charles Raab
- Rowena Rodrigues, University of Edinburgh, Digital Identity, Anonymity and Pseudonymity in India [slides] [paper]
- Anna Chernykh, Higher School of Economics/Russia, The future of identity in the information society [paper]
- Véronique Laurent, Namur University/Belgium, Technology and Social Workers: a question of identities? [paper]
- Workshop 9 on “Identifiers in eHealth” (Room 12B 151)
- Given and chaired by Diane Whitehouse and Penny Duquenoy
16:40: Bus Transfer to the IBIS Hotel (bus continues to Mariebergsskogan)
18:00: Social event: Tour at Mariebergsskogen, Conference Dinner
Friday, 10th August
8:30: Bus Transfer from the IBIS Hotel to the University
Morning Keynote Session (Room 12B 150)
Session Chair: Kai Kimppa
9:00 - 10:00: Keynote talk:
Albin Zuccato, TeliaSonera/Sweden (Mobile Identity Management)
10:00-10:30: Coffee
10:30-12:00: Late Morning Workshops
- Workshop 10 on “Economical and Organisational Identity Aspects” (Room 12B 149). Session Chair: Leif Bloch Rasmussen
- Workshop 11 on “Economical Aspects of Identity Management” (Room 12B 151). Session Chair: Albin Zuccato
12:00-12:30: Closing session
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Bus Transfer to the Train Station and the IBIS Hotel
Social Events
We invited all participants of the Summer School for three social events in Karlstad:
Sunday, 5th August:
Welcome Reception at Carlstad Conference Centre at 19:00.
Tuesday, 7th August:
The M/S Vestvåg waited for us in the inner harbor of Karlstad. On the M/S Vestvåg we were served a classic shrimp dinner while the boat took to a trip to lake Vänern, the third biggest lake in Europe, on a perfect sunny evening. The M/S Vestvåg was originally an icebreaker towboat built in 1885. In the 1970’s it was converted in a passenger boat and restored in 1978 and extended in 2004. We met at the Karlstad inner harbor at 18:00 .
Thursday, 9th August:
We had a pleasant dinner at the Terassen Restaurant, which is located at the Mariebergsskogen park. Before dinner, we had the opportunity to be guided around the park and enjoy Karlstad’s first city park. We meet at 18:00 in front of Mariebergsskogen. The Mariebergsskogen park is located at walk distance from downtown (15 to 20 minutes).
The event will take place at Karlstads University at Room 12A 149,12A 150 and 12A 151 in house 12.
Travel Information
Karlstad lies in the center of Sweden - around 3 hours from Stockholm or Göteborg by car.
Karlstad Airport has several departures each day, to both Stockholm and Copenhagen.
Karlstad Central Station has regular services to - among other places - Stockholm, Göteborg, and Oslo. It takes around 2,5 to 3 hours to reach Stockholm, Göteborg or Oslo by train.
Registration Fees
Fees including lunches, coffees, 3 social events with dinners, bus transfers, proceedings:
By the 24th June 2007 (Early Bird): 240 Euro
After the 24th June 2007: 300 Euro
Best Paper Award
Aleksandra Kuczerawy (KU Leuven) was honored with the Best Student Paper Award (donated by IFIP WG 11.4) for her paper and presentation on “Facebook and its EU users – applicability of the EU data protection law to US based SNS”.
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